Until there is a cure, there is care!

Kerry McMullan
Director of Care Services
Suzanne Kennedy
Business Manager
Mardi-Lee Templer
Business Support Officer
Arkie Simmonds
Business Support Officer
Serena Racar
Philanthropy & Partnerships Manager
Madison Grigg
Events & Community Engagement Officer
Jane Barnett
Team Leader - MND Support Coordination
Lisa Walsh
MND Support Coordinator
Leanne Shane
MND Advisor
Rona Dean
MND Support Coordinator
Elizabeth Langwade
MND Support Coordinator
Kesey Hean
Occupational Therapist - Team Leader
Rebecca Dawson
Occupational Therapist
Oliver (Oli) Siney
Occupational Therapist
Jess Cook
Occupational Therapist
Megan Mitchell
Allied Health Assistant
Clare Dole
Allied Health Assistant
Caleb McMullan
Warehouse Officer
Bea Logethetis
Volunteer Coordinator
Tom Mitchard
Marketing Officer

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